Solid Charcoal Firm Foam

Charcoal firm is higher quality charcoal foam that can handle any task charcoal regular can, to a greater degree. This foam's higher density renders it more resistant to breakdown and degradation, and its increased firmness aids in the casing of frequently used but delicate items that must be packaged snugly, like instruments or technical equipment. It can also serve as entry-level soundproofing.
Custom Cutting is Available!
Need something other than our standard sheet sizes? We can cut custom sizes of Charcoal Firm to fit your exact needs. See Charcoal Firm Foam Custom Cut for details.

Made in the USA.
Physical Data Sheet: Charcoal Firm Foam Physical Data Sheet
Manufacturing Tolerances
Products may carry a size tolerance depending on the style and job. Please see our Tolerance Table.
Standard Sheet Sizes/Quality
Standard sheets of foam are cut slightly larger than the listed size to compensate for shrinkage during packaging, transit, and delivery. Sheets may contain rough edges. Any yellowing/discoloration of the foam is a byproduct of exposure to air and light and does not represent a flaw, damage, or defect in the material.
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