Polyethylene Foam Archery Targets

Polyethylene Foam Archery Targets

Polyethylene Foam Archery Targets


$32.49 USD

Polyethylene foam makes for an outstanding archery target because of its high 6LB density. It allows arrows to penetrate into the foam and stick to the mark, without going through the product or just bouncing off.

Standard Size: 2" x 23" x 24" (Size is approximate)

Resources Notes

Exemption Charge - Zone 4 and Zone 5
Product will be subject to a $30.00 USD exemption charge per item shipped to Zones 4 and 5. See our Shipping Page for more details.

Manufacturing Tolerances
Products may carry a size tolerance depending on the style and job. Please see our Tolerance Table.

Foam Only
Product is sold as foam-only. Does not include target designs or covers.

Write a Review

Archery Foam
Frank Bogdan | July 20th, 2023
I cut the archery foam into 10" by 9" pieces and cut out the center of my very well used Black Block layered foam target to match. The archery foam is inserted, 2 layers thick. Wow what a great product. I've put over a thousand arrows into this and am very pleased with the stopping power. Penetration from my 40 lb recurve was about 3" and now about 8". I've yet to have a pass through. Love this product.
Great foam
Kaylynne | May 19th, 2022
Great for archery targets! “Heals” itself very nicely